The whole thing is big
The Game time is much longer then it was at Evil Seeds.also i already reached more Pictures then i had in Evil Seeds... and im not even half done with the story
And i have more Maps!
I Finished the Level Up System.
Old is New?
Alos! I get a lot of Priv Messages for the game (Seduction Maiden) well there is good News!Love Rebellion Plays in the same world! (im not sure but maybe i build in the old maps aswell)
planet was only a short adventure to the (old world) but now im thinking off implementing it completely!
(you can still download the seduction maiden-its not finished but if you have nothing bettert to do play th 10h)
Well making side quests was not that motivating best thing in Evil Seeds.
But now in Love Rebellion you get some Girls and Useful People to your House by doing side quests!
As soon you get a Boat you are able to explore the World for some secret places and treasures!
Armor and Weapons
There is no Random Loot from Monsters atm. and i don´t think i will ever do this.You get new Armor and Weapon by Treasure Chests, at Shops and some of them are Hidden.
(you get some by Bosses)
Real Treasure Hunting?
you find some Treasure Maps?and now you just have to search for the spot and hit the action button!
Sometimes you can start a whole new Quest by just picking up an item!
----maybe i need to build in a Quest Book or something.... pah not today :)
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